은/는 + 이/가 + 을/를 (Korean Particles: Topic, Subject, + Object)

One of the things that confuses me most when learning Korean is the concept of topic, subject, and object markers. I feel like I overthink when constructing sentences, trying to figure out which part of my sentence is which so I know which marker to put on the end of which words. 🫠



Topic markers are indicated by 은/는. These markers are attached directly on the end of whatever the topic is about. If the topic word ends in a consonant, will be used. If the topic word ends in a vowel, will be used. It’s meaning can be thought of as being the same as saying “as for” or “regarding….” It brings attention to the noun by giving information about it (general, specific, traits, action it does, etc.).

노란색이 가장 좋은 색이라고 생각해요

I think yellow is the best color.

In this sentence, I am the topic. All of the following information in the sentence talks about the action I’m doing, which is thinking that yellow is the best color (which it totally is).




V + 아/어/해야 하다


This grammar structure is used to indicate that it is necessary or mandatory to do something or rather, you have to do something. To form this, you would need to drop -다 from the verb (so all that is remaining is the verb stem) and attach -아/어/해야 되다 or -아/어/해야 하다. 되다 is used at the end of a sentence, mainly when speaking. 하다 is used mainly when writing.


제 직장을 유지하려면 코로나바이러스 백신을 맞아야 돼요.
If I want to keep my job, I have to get the Coronavirus vaccine.

오후 9시 전에 백화점에 가야 돼요.
I have to go to the department store before 9pm.

저는 오늘 제 숙제를 해야 돼요.
I have to do my homework today.

시험을 잘 보려면 공부를 해야 돼요.
If I want to do well on my exam, I have to study.

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